Sunday, April 8, 2018

Fear of a Gradplan

I should really get to cracking on these posts once the daily inspiration strikes. Now I'm just undermotivated. Pooh.

Continuing my, watching a seminar a day, I finish on Wednesday. The technical deadline to pass it as a class by is Thursday, so that's fine. Just... by then I'd really normally, be fit for graduating, and it'd be official already that I'd be doing that.

But what I'd been going to talk about is... written elsewhere, as notes or in my personal doc. Not really in a fit format to show others, and not really combined either, because they're unrelated except in the thematic similarities they may share. Not even my diary, in longform, is really fit to share with others, as interlaced as it is with more personal internal details of my life.

That said, I can share this bit from the end of today's entry:

If I didn’t graduate, maybe I’d meet McKenna again, and get to stay here, and continue donating plasma, and still be a student with access to student rates for everything… That’s the fear of change speaking, of course. I guess I can define myself in terms of, positive things, say: that’s not me. I’m not afraid of change. I’m not. But it’s not like I want to rush into this to end either.

I guess the key is balance, in the end. Regarding the question of, defining like, I don’t know, being an independent person yet fitting into society. Being true to your own self yet being willing to change, and improving. Which sucks because balance is the toughest option.

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