Friday, December 21, 2018

YouTube Vagaries

You know those vague technical problems I ran into but can't talk about? They're good now. The project isn't over with, but we can continue with it. I want to talk about YouTube stuff now.

Doing a video a week but not having time to really record anything this week, not anything cohesive that is; I'd wanted to talk about Spider-Man once I'd seen it, just a hot take on that which I'd be able to edit together quickly, but I wound up not seeing Spider-Man yet and you know how that turned out, and I could do something on Aquaman similar but that's so complex I would need to focus on one specific element or something, instead of the gestalt of the thing but it's too compact for now.

Building up an audience I need to figure out who that would be, and why they should care, and that's more difficult than it sounds. Similarly to the Aquaman thing, I need to find some common thread to focus on, pursue that. Research the playing field. Find an entry point. Et cetera.

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