Tuesday, December 13, 2022

As from a Dream, Some Music Playing...

 It's pretty dry room all the time, and every day for a couple of years now I guessI've woken up with a dry sort of throat and worried oh no, sore throat, could this be Covid? And every time the answer has been, lol no it's just too darn dry in your bedroom.

I got a humidifier for my birthday! but haven't had the time yet to set it up.

Anyway so I woke up this morning feeling cruddy in the throat and it's gotten worse, and I'm all phlegmy and mucusy- not the symptoms of Covid! but still not that fun. Working outside in the cold, not the best time for that. I don't know if my condition is stable or worsening or bettering, I don't know if I'll be able to work tomorrow or whatever. Mask has been helpful, especially in going into town today to drop my desktop computer off.

I'm not sure if I have anything more to say about that...

Anyway the guy who composed the music for Twin Peaks died. I fell in love with him watching The Straight Story and thinking, what a killer soundtrack, getting some twin peaks vibes from this, and lo! Angelo that is, Angelo Badalamenti, was the, he did both scores anyway, and some other stuff.


So I spent the afternoon doing laundry and cleaning up and making Mac and Cheese and reading Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats and frequently reaching out to catch drops of watery stuff coming suddenly out of my nose, like Ethan Hunt reaching out and catching his sweat at the last second in Mission Impossible 1996. I would have gone straight to bed after my post-work shower had I had any clean pajamas, so it's good in a sense that I had to do laundry because dinner needed to be made and cleaning up needed to be done. I flit between projects in a way that feels productive but also delirious, fueled by lotion and hydrating fluids, and non-Cats settings of Old Possum verse I invent in a haze. And blowing my nose on whatever I can find, tissues and toilet paper and handkerchiefs I'm going to be washing anyway and napkins from pockets emptied out to launder. And washing my hands afterward, and moisturizing them again after that. (Just reusing the disposable gloves is working, but your hands get sweaty inside the gloves and wet means cold and so you have to dry your hands out, which dries your, hands, out. Naturally.)

Well I'd wanted to go to bed early and now look at it, about the time I usually go to bed anyway (though actually unusually late for a Tuesday.) Still need to do, well, a lot of laundry, but I think we should wrap up the loads for today...

And see how I'm feeling in the morning of course.

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