Saturday, December 17, 2022

Cap'n Patches('s Head on the) Writer's Block

So, still uncertain if I'm going to be pursuing that project anymore (I've made two videos so far this decade, but haven't lost any subscribers to my lack of productivity) I realize, a couple of weeks past NaNoWriMo, that maybe my writing of last month has all been a bust, because that's what it had been spent on. Strange. Oh well, onto discussing other projects! And potential brick walls therein...

Cap'n Patches is the Cat of Nine Tales. He's after the Pieces of Eight. Each Tale is going to, well it's not a simple one-to-one tale=tale about piece of eight, but for the rough majority of them that's how it plays out. And I've got every Tale plotted out except for the first one, which I know is going to be a heist but the location I've got them heisting from I've written as being so secure I don't know how they're going to pull it off... 

They say if you've got writer's block then the problem lies not at the block itself but a little bit before it, like there was some decision-making mistake just a little back down the road that you need to deal with instead. I'm not sure how well that applies here, at the beginning and everything. I happen to be a slow, cumulative sort of writer as it is, so I don't know if I'm truly at a problem point or not. I'll start doing some brainstorming tomorrow.

Koloss Head-munching day only a couple of days away now...

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