Monday, June 18, 2012

What Does This Mean? As I am Yet an Amateur

   I'm posting this to follow up on my post To Be Pro, but looking over it now it seems kind of... Needy?  I don't know. It's all about how I'm as of yet still at press time an amateur, as opposed to a professional. Amateurs do it for love, professionals do it for money, but they're not necessarily mutually nonexclusive, as it's possible to have more than one motivation, isn't it. You can love your job. They say that getting paid for what you love doing only kind of mars it for you, but

   Why do you put up with me?

   I'm just an amateur. I'm unproven. But I still post tips and stuff onto the internet. Eh, I guess it's an elective thing, you reading this blog. But still as of now I'm just another voice in the blogosphere. Who would listen to a nonpro? I post nonetheless.

   The hope is that when I am pro, then my fans (or whatever) can look back in the blog archives or something. My eventual professionalism is after all more or less assured. I mean, I'm down that career path, and with modern technology, I could be a professional right now if I wanted to. (I am after all already blogging.) So this really isn't for me right now. It's for future me. Or my future fans. And I know that if I'm wrong, that's going to seem like ego, thinking I'd ever have fans, but if I'm right... I'll be right.

   Okay, that still sounds like ego. I just want to get paid for what I love doing, though, man. A pretty noble goal, if you ask me. At the heart of it is some kind of egocentricity or something, if that's what you call wanting what you want. But we all need to connect. Or most of us do. It's just in my case I think life would be meaningless without it. Without people to share my ideas with. Which is why I want to spread my ideas to as many people as possible. And look good competent doing it. What I mean is, I'm on the internet and stuff, but I still seek pro-dom. If that doesn't happen, this is all for nothing. Well, not nothing, but I'd just be another voice. From the outside, I mean. I don't want to be just an amateur.

   We recognize talent in professionals, but it's always a toss-up with amateurs. (Sometimes it's a toss-up with professionals, too, but that's only sometimes and not always.) To be recognized as so good (or, in the case of many an incompetent professional, so lucky) as to be worthy of receiving payment for something done is exulting. But anyone can be amateur. Even the talented ones. Since I can draw more than stick figures, I hope you'll pardon me if I include myself on that list. But there'd be no point in keeping this up if all I'll amount to is a talented amateur. I do keep it up. I post and I write and I art.

   But I am a fledgler. That is, I am fledgling.

  That's the core of it, isn't it? I'm better than most, but I'm still at the start of all of this. We will see what the future holds in thatwise. Let's hope that it's to a place where what I say is actually worth anything.

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