Sunday, June 3, 2012

And Now We Rise Up

   The paradox of how we should prepare for the future yet know we could die at any moment has always weighed heavily on my mind. Do we just let ourselves advance naturally, learning things as they come to us, not really exerting any effort because that work could be a waste of time? Why work on any projects when our current project could be our last, interrupted in the middle, making all the time you spent on that project a complete waste? You know how I feel about waste. It was less than a week ago, and yesterday, that I told you. But it would be a larger waste of time not to do anything at all...

   Adam Perazzo, the man whom my blog reader(s) would know primarily for inspiring Comrade Helicopter's name, was brutally murdered by gravity yesterday. August 29 1989 - June 2 2012. When he was two years old, he drank from a vat of acid thinking it was lemonade, and he survived that. I never really understood the phrase "there but for the grace of God" until I thought about how miraculous it was that he did survive that. I never really understood the phrase "life is short" until I thought about what finally did him in.

   The road goes on without him now; all we can do is be inspired to live greater. I've already started working off of a new outline to rewrite Nepenthe, and it is looking much better now. My blogging has honed my writing skills considerably, and made it so I could be a more prolific writer. And if Cailin is on board, which hey why would she not be, I am also getting the band back together. I have a job lined up for the summer, so it would not be hard to acquire enough money to get him a new bass.

   I think I should compose the score for On Our Own, if that slot has not already been filled. I've seen some mock ups of what the final film is going to look like, and I think I've got a good idea of the emotional beats in the film with what I've seen so far. The music is in me. I've got directions I want to go with the musical beats to lock in with the emotional ones. Plus I've already come up with some awesome puns to be used as track titles.

   I know it sounds like it's going to be a busy summer, but all of these things I was planning anyway; we're just on a slightly advanced timetable now is all. And it's worth it, isn't it? I said before that there's no hard work, there's just more work. Let's see if I'm right. Whatever it is, however it turns out, one thing is sure.

   This will not be a waste of time.

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