Tuesday, February 7, 2017

BYU-Pathway Worldwide Announcement

Maybe today I did so much stupid stuff I regret that it strains credulity that this day even happened. Even the good stuff is hard to believe: I went to the store with exactly one $20 bill in my pocket and none else, and my bill came out to $19.98.

So Elder Dallin H Oaks gave the devotional today. I never go to the BYU-I devotionals on Tuesdays, because nothing ever happens during them and most semesters my Tuesdays are the perfect level of busy that I need to skip them. But I made it this time- along with (almost) the entirety of the rest of the school. I mean, member of the 12, doing this and showing up almost out of nowhere, to give the devo and all that; Elder Oaks is my favorite but I'm so used to being near the church's General Authorities because we were swimming in them on my mission, so I went really based on principle more than any other thing.

Turns out, 10:00 this morning, they (the, they, you know, them, the folk who'd do that) made the announcement, the BYU online programs are radically expanding their scope and mission, now being called Pathway Worldwide, its own thing, like the old Pathway but bigger by measures. With that, the current president of BYU-I, President Gilbert, is, going to leave and do that; I'm trying to figure out a more clear less redundant way of saying that but I can't find any. We're getting, and I think actually it became effective about as soon as it was announced, so, we got, a new university president, formerly the vice president, Henry J Eyring.

Meant to get pictures of the historic event, but, well, out of today's regrets it's pretty low on the list. I'm done talking about it.

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