Saturday, February 25, 2017

The Task Party Chronicles, pt III: I almost get around to the actual party part

So I recently revisited all the major releases that are coming out this year, and I guess there's more than two movies still to come out I'm looking forward to? On average there's no single month with more than one film being released I'm anticipating, which is a major departure from last year of course where basically the only movie that didn't interest me was that Fantastic Beasts thing. I guess each month this year will be defined by one movie. Like the way years work in Infinite Jest, but different, because I said so.
  1. January Monster Trucks
  2. February Rock Dog
  3. March Spider-Man 3 (yeah, nothing's coming out next month, but Spider-Man 3's an awesome movie)
  4. April Spark
  5. May Dead Men Tell No Tales
  6. June The Mummy
  7. July Spider-Man: Homecoming
  8. August Spider-Man: Homecoming some more (I mean the first Nut Job was okay...)
  9. September Ninjago I guess, just because WAG's track record is 3-for-3 in my eyes
  10. October My Little Pony; also maybe the Cloverfield movie that's coming out just on principle
  11. November actually has a few interesting-looking ones coming out, including Pixar's new thing Coco, a Kenneth Branagh-helmed Murder on the Orient Express film (!) and yeah speaking of Kenneth Branagh Thor Ragnarok which if I had to choose one film for November it'd be that (Kenneth Branagh directed the first Thor, of course, which is where I got that segue; this one's being directed by Taika Waititi (!), though to be honest I can't remember who directed the second one)
  12. December The Last Jedi, probably. I have a deep-seated apathy toward it as of now, but that's how I felt about The Force Awakens till I saw that in theaters, so, yeah.
So, as you can see from my list, yes. Between the first two films on this list that have already come out, the Spider-Man 3 thing, and the Pirates of the Caribbean movie, we can already tell: the new DC movies are going to be awesome, the new Marvel films are all going to be terrible (except for Guardians 2 by dint of not being on my list), and the new Star Wars movie is going to be a disappointment. (Apparently my taste in movies is bad. If you need me to explain the joke.) (There, must've been, a memo, sent out telling everyone to dislike Monster Trucks?, which I'm pretty sure must've been sent out on opposite day or something, because, MONSTER TRUCKS how can you not think that's cool!?)

Can I just gush about Monster Trucks for a bit? It's, just, a great great masterpiece of celluloid. 100% pure awesome. It doesn't care how so many people think it's dumb. It's just all, shut up I'm Monster Trucks. Monster Trucks does what Monster Trucks wants. Because it's Monster Trucks. It knows it's cool. Not very many other films have that much self-confidence. Not very many other films are about underground sea monsters who have hive intelligence, bioluminescence, tentacles and cute whale faces, who've evolved to metabolise crude oil. I'm shortlisting it on my already short list of this year's films, to be one of the best of this year's films. I, just, I just love that movie. Greatest movie of the year, so far, and it won't be unthroned very easily. Godspeed you, Monster Trucks. Godspeed you.

And Spider-Man 3, can I gush about that now too? Not that it's as great a movie as Monster Trucks, of course, and maybe the critics actually have a point or two this time, like, maybe they could have saved Venom for Spider-Man 4, because three villains crammed in there is pretty bloated, but, the alien symbiote stuff, black suit Spider-Man, superfly Peter Parker jamming through the street high on self-confidence, that was way cool. Spider-Man 3 is way cool. Sam Raimi is a way cool way underrated, genius auteur.

...dang it, if the movies on my list are going to be bad, does that mean that the Transformers movie this year is actually going to be good? Despicable Me 3? How about the Emoji movie? Or maybe every movie this year is going to be terrible, and not being on my list won't spare you...

Anyway, I guess I'm continuing my story about Thursday now. Thursday was pretty crazy; there were like 5 things going on all at the same time.
  1. The business plan due in Business for the Professional Artist class
  2. Thursday apartment clean checks
  3. Art seminar
  4. Open house for the new Spori Gallery art exhibit
  5. now, this thing, this Task Party.
All at the same time. Or, well, the Task Party, definitely scheduled after the art seminar, it being an, art thing, but other than that, all at the same time. The idea of checking out a Thursday preview for Rock Dog crossed my mind only briefly. 

Um, to be continued again I guess; I seem to have run out of time again. Get to the party next time, I promise. Meanwhile, know what's a good song? This:

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