Saturday, February 4, 2017

The Pogo-Gos

I found this, awhile ago, but hadn't posted it up till now, but hey, it's the first appearance of Walt Kelly's "Pogo" on! It's... it's kind of different; I mean, the whole thing, changes a lot from its inception here to the comic strip appearances. The art style gemps up, the kid goes away, "gemps" becomes a real word and not some typo I just made for "gets bumped," etc.

I mean good glory look at that.

And here we have the latest video from remix person Nick "Pogo" Bertke. Yay awesome things!

UPDATE 2 days later: also Pogo is apparently the name of a children's television network in India; teacher showed us this on Motionographer as an example of excellence in motion design in my intro to linear motion design class: and of course now we're assigned to do something similar, at least with the way that the letterform motion is handled.

1 comment:

  1. Loved the video clip (but these ears need closed captioning!)!
