Sunday, December 17, 2017

2017 Backlog 6/13: Champs and a Half

Doing backlog is the perfect place for linking to other sites, ones that I thought were dope and maybe even meant to recommend, but which I didn't get around to for one reason or another. Seriously there's this amazing thing that exists in the world that I'd been going to blog about and highly recommend and rave how awesome it is... but I can't remember what it is right now.

I'll possibly think of it.

Anyway, for now, here's an amazing article (kind of technically anachronistic for when this post is getting put up, since it was published on the 25th-ish) about League of Legends, from the dev team, specifically about how they name new champions. They have to give each name crazytons of consideration, making sure each name is distinct enough from the other characters yet also fit into the same world, and also also being pronouncible and non-naughty in all the  foreign languages that players of the worldwide game speak.

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