Friday, December 22, 2017

Eurysome Anatid

Woke up from an interesting dream- Dad waking us up to go do a thing which turns out won't be until tomorrow morning. Maybe I'll finally learn what happens with that archeopteryx tonight. And I spelled that right first try somehow.

So Christmas caroling with a Buddhist this evening, that was interesting. Turns out in Thailand, they've got many small Buddhist holidays throughout the year, instead of just a handful of big Christian ones like we've got in the States. That makes sense. We also have little holidays, but secular ones.

Christmas is in three days somehow. We've got all of, ten, eleven gifts under the tree so far? But at least it's snowed, so there's that. It was a couple of days ago, but the snow stuck somehow.

It's also the first snow that the aforementioned Thai has seen in his life.

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