Tuesday, March 6, 2018

And, As Graduation Approaches, Further Angst Develops

UVWXYZ. Six more classes and if I pass I'm done. We drew S today (still the best part of class,) and T is on Thursday which I'm missing. I do not enjoy graphic design classes very much. Especially not at this stage, advanced class... why is that? Am I uncool with being outside of my comfort zone? Don't think that's it; the whole flibby flobbing world is outside of my comfort zone, so I'm, well not that distinctly UNcomfortable there, and it's all whatevs. Is it being bad at graphic design, highlighted further by this Senior-level class where everyone else is practically professional level and I'm, it'd be middling if I were a freshman? I think it's, everyone else isn't practically professional level, they are all (or most, or lots) professionals. The fact that I'm about to possibly graduate, and the trip tomorrow (which is indeed going to give me 14 more hours to think about things) is just a step closer to that, and I don't even have any, anything, while everyone else totally has that, doesn't help.

My mission president compared me to himself, in our exit interview. I'm a late bloomer (the word he used was "developer,") slow developer but good developer. It's like my meticulous worldbuilding, slow plot outlining, on my stories; it'd be nice to develop fast sometimes.

Maybe late bloomer isn't the word for it. If I'm such a late bloomer, how was I top of my class in GATE? Am I some kind of failed child prodigy? Failing even, wry chuckle, at being a prodigy at anything.

Man, sometimes I want to go on a rad Calvin-style adventure across Lake Whatever and find John Green and get him to write me a happy ending.

I ate a burrito and got $30, though, so that's good.

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