Saturday, January 3, 2015


   See yesterday's post at "a real thing" on why I'm not here at 8:30 am on the dot today, and ditto for yesterday's post... After 8:30 it's tough and arbitrary, like I've explained, but here I am anyway, super late today. Even got up my "a real thing" post to boot, so.

   Been going back through old posts of mine, just a bit- it's always the most fascinating, I've discovered, when I'm talking about my own Asperger's syndrome, and whether that seems to have any effect in my life or not. Posting about it every day would sound super conceited, however, and I'm really not sure if I've got all that much to say beyond what I've done (or beyond that which is coming as part of the Hundred Things-- there are one or two items from that that do wrestle with this issue directly, Jacob-with-the-angel-like.) Also feel like I should talk more about my life, which would maybe be interesting to you if you're the kind of person interested in other peoples' lives (and not just the weird theories they have on psychology or linguistics or anything.) But I've also brought up why that's unfeasible: my lack of a life that would be interesting anyway.

   Today's post has nothing to do with that. Well, mildly- it's a sensitive thing. Originally I'd had those last few paragraphs scrapped together as part of a post that is for the most part unrelated (salvaging observations off of the cutting room floor of "hipsternerd" posts,) but I think this can stand on its own legs. The first paragraph in this sentence I'm just keeping as an artifact from that, and also because I'm too late and undermotivated to edit to correction of anything I say anymore (including the order of the first three sentences of this word.) And also I had been going to go on on a similar but different tack, but it's well too close to midnight to continue on with that plan (critters!). And also I like keeping the artifacts.

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