Saturday, January 17, 2015

Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (Revisited!)

   Well, it's been, quite a few years. Rewatched the 2002 Dreamworks flick Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron recently; I started out with the express purpose to see if I could catch the transitions between the CGI and the hand-drawn animation (not so hard-- cel-shaded animation has a distinct style of, shading,) but I soon discovered far more intriguing spectra being played with. I caught three factors specifically; maybe there are more I failed to catch. 'Cause, you know, whatever.

   Breaking it down on these several levels is an incredibly instructive experience which I recommend to the student of animation, and/or storytelling, and/or anthropomorphological sociology (which may not be a real thing but if it isn't totally should be.) If you were a true wonk you would watch the film three times through, one runthrough each for the study of each of the following (not that I'd recommend it):
  1. In between handdrawn animation and CGI animation
  2. In between anthropomorphic equine behavior and genuinely zoomorphic equine behavior
  3. Inner thoughts being revealed through the narration vs inner thoughts being revealed through the music

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