Friday, January 9, 2015

Thespis Strip Dated Sunday, January 9, 2011

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   Still need to learn how to spell "intelligent." And "conscious." But, yeah, it's great how the characters in the comic strip itself dream in the format of comics, referring to panels and everything. It only makes sense, and it's really awesome. Freud!

Marvin: I had the craziest dream last night.
Collin: Go on...
Marvin: Well, um, you were a female, and we were, uh, getting married.
Collin: Hmm... interesting. The reversal in my gender may signify subconscious urges to replace your platonic love with romantic love...
But let's delve into the symbolism further. As a bride, I would be wearing white, a symbol of purity and innocence. You want me to return to my pre-intellegent [sic] innocent state.
Marvin: Funny you should mention innocence, because...
In this panel I swear!...
...and in this panel you damn me for my swearing.
Collin: Swearing in the comic? It could reflect subconcious [sic] urges to break the rules and get away with it.
My condemnation of your swearing could be seen as a representation of my being some kind of superego to your id...
...but I see it as a symbol of me being a controlling figure in your life.
Perhaps as a reaction to my newly gained hyperintellegence? [sic]
Marvin: The next panel takes place 500 years later.
I want a divorce.
Collin: Oh man!

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