Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Old Glasses

   You know what's great? Blogs of people who have actual lives. Plenty of thoughts and things that go down in 24 hours, of course, but as for daily material that's worth taking note of, not so much, in my life. If I actually went anywhere or did anything, that would be fascinating, you know?...

   Not that I do nothing ever. Today, for example, I spent like 3 hours trying to wind up a tape cassette that had crapped out. I made it worse; tape tangles very easily apparently and honestly I'd take the Gordian option by now if that wouldn't, like, kill the cassette.

   But anyway. For 90% of our lives, we are creatures of habit. We can debate exact percentages later, and actually that's not a half bad idea (PLOT BUNNY)... Habit, yes. Put down my glasses, take them off for, whatever-- sleep, is usually one reason. Put them down, and occasionally misplace them. Like yesterday.

   Can't really find a good photo of what I look like with my current prescription on. The family Christmas card this year has a good view, but I can't find that right now... Here's a shot from my mom's blog, which you can kind of see...:

   Not the best, but workable. My specs, the lenses are sort of, long, with no bottom frame piece so it just, hangs, open, I guess. Man I'm bad at describing this...

   EDIT: Alright, found it.

   Isn't that much better than my lame attempt at description?
   Yesterday, anyway. Searched all over, couldn't find where I'd put them last. Luckily just so happen to be in that state of perpetually trying to clean my room and organize everything, and in the drawers of the desk where I'd kept my music collection up till this point, there are a bunch of super old glasses...
Oh, man, a selfie. Guess that means I'm a sociopath... no, wait, you already knew that.
   Note how much smaller these ones I found are. I'd initially just grabbed them to resolve where my normal specs are, but 1) I still can't find those and 2) these old glasses just so happen to match my current prescription. They were smudged and dirty as all-get-out, though.

   But I like them. I think they make me look rather... tailor-y.

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