Thursday, February 5, 2015

Blog is Blog (My Biggest Problem)

   Let's examine life. My life-- specifically. I think it's kind of, nice, when I do posts like this, so why not (my hand! got licked! by a cow! isn't that darling?)... I may as well embrace the fact that blogging is a form of narcissism, so, as much as I try to avoid it sometimes, hey look at me, aren't I handsome and clever and, occasionally funny, and, way too wistful for my own dang good sometimes... people are always so much more entertaining to read when they make you laugh... so I should try to be more funny I guess but there's more to life than that...

   My life, yeah. A blog is a blog is a blog. If you're reading this, well, first of all you're a masochist who yet has excellent taste, so congratulations, but-- if you're reading this anyway, you wouldn't mind. If anything's annoying it's my constant protests about this very thing, always going on about why I'm telling you about myself, as if I need an excuse... But people's lives are fun. And the specifics are fascinating. And what the hay. It is nice when I talk about my life. It's also really fun and mindblowing when specifically I talk about Asperger's syndrome and how I've been diagnosed with it and how trippy that is-- yeah, there's something; kind of fun an unusual and let's talk about that.

  That one time I spent 13 posts in a row doing just that is pretty popular, after all... but dang it was a research intensive process, getting that puppy up. I'd say about, three, four hours went into each of those posts, on average. And I'm not sure how much there is left to be said on that topic, besides... There might be. The 13 posts, another thing about it is that it's all pretty personal as well, and a surprisingly large chunk of it has nothing to do with autism or anything like that at all. It's a good starting place, to be sure, but (especially with a subject so, ehem, high-functioning (ladies)) it's hard to tell how things would turn out in any other circumstance, or where anything lets off and anything else begins.

   But dang I am a total shut-in.

   I think that's my biggest problem. Like, I never interact with nobody. Miles away from anyone who is both interesting and not related to me-- no license to drive, so I'm basically cut off from that. It would be nice to one day go on a date with a girl (and, a date for real, at that-- I did promenade at prom time, Senior year, but beyond that... uh...) Maybe when my credits all transfer, and I go off to some shiny college elsewhere, and live in an apartment and everything, I'll be able to get practice(d), but for now...

   Hello, internet.

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