Sunday, February 8, 2015

Probably Not a Strict Necessity

   Continuing on from yesterday-- I realized that I didn't say nearly as much as I'd meant to... So, yeah, I'd been talking about how I don't get out much, and how it's probably not very healthy...

   For the past week, when I do get out of the house (I do have, classes, geez) there are people discussing still Superbowl 49 (or "exlix," as apparently it is not pronounced,) and I'm completely lost. Popular culture grows increasingly disconnected, this far cry from the "only four networks" days, and in the Superbowl we manage to retain a touchstone through all that-- but, nope, I'm the one clueless here. Pop me in a room with anything else, and...

   Could it really have been only a week ago? I find that hard to believe, actually, as the past only-a-week has been filled with enough shark references to leave Discovery Channel behind in the dust. So at least I'm not the only one...

   What was I talking about--? Shut-in, right. I am pleased to announce my neck's total lack of beard, though, and the fact that we don't even have a basement. My fingers are cheetle-stain free; I am fluent in both breathing through my nose and through my mouth. What else is there... Sure, yeah.

   No, though. I was talking about my life. Humble one as it is. I'm the ward membership clerk, I'm sure I must have told you, and on Wednesday I did some demonstration on cousinfinding in front of a few members of the stake presidency (Rootstech 2015 is coming up on Friday; aren't you so excited!?) I'm on my way.


   Why do I blog? Is it personal, to get something off of my chest; or is it for my audience, meager though it may be? Yeah, I'm pretty sure nobody's out there reading-- I could say whatever I want; nobody cares. So maybe... Or, or instead, is it some third thing-- the need for creation, be it perhaps about my chest, or be it something more... Practice, getting myself in shape for grander works of creation? That's gotta be it, seeing as how though my blogging's slowed down and ofttimes sputtered to a complete stop lately, I am still actively working on other projects-- which, hopefully will be unleashed one day, and so I'll have had an excuse for all this here.

   Probably explains some stuff.

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