Saturday, May 14, 2016

Those Things I Was Held To

   Can't find my camera anywhere. It's not at any lost and found; probably in some pocket I haven't checked. Trying to locate it yesterday, overturning the mattress, I located my misplaced temple recommend... what it looks like is, it had been in my pocket when I dumped a pile of my clothing onto the bed, and it fell out and landed by the wall. So I could go to the temple again this morning, for the first time in over a month. Alright, I did hang out in the lobby of the Reno temple, over spring break; here I could actually, go in. It's been a while. It was nice.

   I'm not sure what I've really got to say about Battleborn. Personally I'm not qualified to speak anything about it, really. One of the dudes who plays video games in the lobby rented it from the Redbox for the weekend, testing it out seeing if it's worth buying the whole game... I guess it is? But I'm not sure. Is one weekend enough time to gauge this sort of thing?

   Taking a walk yesterday, for the purpose of, walktaking, ultimate destination the hospital to maybe check out the sculpture there by my Art 101 teacher last semester, clearing my head working out homework stress (still don't have anything due until Monday!) maybe something about not being able to attend any of the BLFC events in person this year (all the good stuff was yesterday, today's panels and workshops are pretty meh, though looks like there was a panel today dedicated solely to how awesome raccoons are.) There's a Bourne Identity-style protest outside the Walgreens, no wait, actually, it's just campaigners, the Nate family all out waving signs advertising that Ron is campaigning for four (or however many) more years as state representative. I'm not sure if state representative is even a partisan position, but it looks like Ron is a Republican (do we even have Democrats in Idaho?) because there across the way apparently was... an elephant fursuiter?? Photo op required; it's the closest I'll be to a fursuitor charity auction all year.

   Back at the apartment, I try desperately to relocate my camera, and here's where I instead relocate my temple recommend. Camera, anyway.

   Walking by again... totally wild and unexpected, but it turns out that the elephant is, not a stranger, but actually an FHE sister of mine? So I get those photo ops, up close and personal. Just like with a real elephant, except the opposite of how that would go.

   There were two photos taken. I'm showing both this time! The first one was apparently too harshly backlit, from the camera's viewpoint, so he took a second one as well with us facing toward the sun. On the computer screen with better lighting I can't tell much of a difference... We adopted the same poses and everything.

   For bonus fun, toggle rapidly between the two photos, they're seriously almost exactly the same except for the background. I chose the top one of the two to display yesterday because it's better context for what's going on, plus it won't seem like I'm necessarily plugging Mountain America Credit Union or anything.

   Man, this is super disjointed. Treat your eyes and ears to some The Strokes!

   ...and two from the Shins.

   I'd forgotten how rad Yo Gabba Gabba! was...

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