Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Zootopia, Civil War, Japan, Box Office Returns and Mojo

   Tuesdays are just so open for me, I could actually go see Civil War! And, you haven't seen it yet, so I'm saying nothing. Whom am I kidding, though, you've seen it already; it's the number 1 movie worldwide right now, except for in Japan, which is going all-out for Zootopia. Now that the audience for Detective Conan: The Darkest Nightmare is dying down, at least. Zootopia's audience is also down, but this is nothing to the film's detriment; all theatergoing has dropped now that Golden Week is over. Zootopia is sitting at the top right now, with Cap three whole slots behind.

   Civil War debuted there a weekend ago, opening up at number 3, and hasn't gone up since then, and, and, Box Office Mojo is such an addicting site, guys, nothing but a wall of stats (which is always awesome) regarding ticket sales (which makes it even more awesome.)


   Disney has now surpassed the $1 billion mark domestically for this year, which is more than a month quicker than the previous world record set by Universal last year. Internationally, meanwhile, Zootopia is still the number one movie of the year-- no film this year has quite gotten to $1 billion gross worldwide quite yet, but Zootopia's topping over Dawn of Justice by almost $100 million, with continued super strong legs. With the meteoric rise of Civil War, Zootopia probably won't be the first film this year to top $1 billion global cume, but it'd be surprising if it doesn't hit that point at least eventually, with them gams.

   Domestically it's still at number 6 box office-wise, which is insane for how many weeks it's been out already. Civil War was the only movie that came out this last weekend, to genuinely positive reviews; nothing that's coming out this weekend has anything but middling to negative reviews; Zootopia is pretty consistently showing the lowest week-to-week drop of any of the top 10s, and like people are probably going to stop going to go see Mother's Day now that that's over, maybe, so: I believe that just maybe Zootopia may peek back up into the top 5 again, in domestic box office? Aw, freak, whom am I kidding with this one either, Angry Birds Movie is coming out this weekend, to displace if not Captain American than at least the Jungle Book, because of course people are going to see that, we live in a world where the friggin' Minions movie made more than a billion worldwide. Not that I've ever seen it, but if I ever do, I'd have well already gone all Oedipus on my eyes by that point.

   On the other hand, when was the last time that a film based on a game actually did do well...?

   EDIT: The Angry Birds movie is coming out next weekend, actually, apparently?, which means that there really is a good chance for Zootopia to peek back up into the top 5, as audience for other movies continues to die off at a more rapid rate than the audience for Zootopia. With just $40 million left to hit the one billion mark globally, audience rate remaining fairly strong in the states even with under a month until the DVD comes out, and a whole open horizon in front of it in Japan with fairly steady returns so far and positive word-of-mouth... I'm still not saying that Zootopia's going to breach a billion before Civil War, but $40 million isn't really that much of a gap to bridge, so, it's at least possible.

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