Monday, May 16, 2016

Mondays and Modern World

   I was wicked busy today scramblin' at homework. True it is that I had nothing due throughout last weekend, except, I never have anything due over the weekend, and in fact I only have things due on Mondays. Except for odds and ends here and there, easily handled, which hardly even count as that. On Mondays, though, I owe something to every single one of my classes this semester. Either I've got class, or some project from class due, or both. I probably should be more proactive about getting the stuff due done, but, I should probably be more proactive about getting the stuff due done.

   I said above and previously that I didn't have anything due over the weekend, though yes there's always one or two things (scan and upload Saturday the drawing completed Friday in drawing class,) and even then saying I didn't have anything due was less true than usual because of the Art History test on Saturday, which doesn't happen every week (could've been taken on Friday either, but, I do enjoy putting things off until the last minute, in a distinctly non-procrastinatory way.) There's a great story about that test, though the point really in bringing that up is, like, schoolwork, and, yeah well Monday's over now, and I've got a week of not having any homework ahead of me again.

   Usually I find something to do. I don't know. My protein's been kind of low, which means that I won't be able to hit the Biomat for a week until the blood sample results get in... by that point, at least, enough time will have transpired since my latest clot-in-the-needle that I won't need to mention it at all during the screenings...*

   Maybe instead I can start moving some of my sprawl out of the lobby back into the apartment...

   You've been so kind listening to me ramble about my crazy scheduling stuff and how stressful Mondays are and how I'm too busy recuperating from the previous Monday to get on next Monday's stuff early, is what I think it is... I think I'll reward you with some Sub Pop.**

   Your move, Radiohead.

*can yogurt increase platelet activity, causing wounds to clot quicker? Yogurt is most certainly quite the stuff, but can it, I don't know, give some kind of healing factor to you...? ah, never mind.

**Actually, I was going to give this to you anyway... is it a boon or a detriment, to call something a reward when it's not...?


  1. Replies
    1. Well, that's exactly it. Have you ever read Punished by Rewards by Alfie Kohn? Rewards, extrinsic motivation, may not be as great as we think they are; giving someone a "reward" for behavior you'd expect anyway would be like punishing someone for similar negative behavior. It's totally arbitrary, and no lesson is learned. :? so that kind of leaves it up in the air a reward that isn't really, what motivating factor that would have... '\/(*-*)\/'

    2. It's pretty thought-provoking.

    3. Yes I was referring to boone from lost but I spelled it wrong, but I was saying no to reading the book you mentioned. I agree withe the statement
