Saturday, August 13, 2016

A Few Discarded Scraps from My Temple Texts Class Writing Assignments

[Got an A- in that class, by the way.]

The world is divided into three- the mortal world we know, the underworld and the overworld or heavens. The supernatural is that which is otherworldly.


Temples are a physical separation from the world, a sacred place which divides the outside from the inside, marking sacred time.

Temples are places in which take place ceremonies- ceremonies marking transition. Liminal spaces.
Throughout world cultures, one thing is consistent within definitions of the temple. The temple is hard to define. Cultures have different religious means of expression.


The mountain is steeped in mythological import. Steeped indeed like a teabag- the mountain represents the primeval mound, the first ground which emerged from the primordial waters. The apsu of Babylonian myth.

Creation myths worldwide, but particularly in the near east, show the formation of the earth with land emerging from water; the point where this first takes place, the primordial hillock, is a mountain imbued with hierophany, hierophanic points of course indicating axes mundi.

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