Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Paging Dr Ralph O Khan

There's a Star Trek movie curse. I'm not sure if you've ever heard; probably, but I'm going to explain it anyway. The idea is that odd numbered Star Trek films are terrible, and the even ones are terrific. They even referenced it in Leverage, so you know it must be true.

I couldn't find a clip from The Order 23 Job ("paging Dr Ralph O Khan...") but I did find that one time that Hardison made up a song about chasing down bad guys and sang it with Eliot. So there is that.

Problem with the theory anyway, all the new Star Trek movies are really good. Star Trek- awesome, Star Trek Into Darkness- also awesome? Well, I mean, hardly Wrath of Khan, like it quasiremakes, but, not Undiscovered Country either, so. Awesome movie, but either way, Star Trek Beyond- teh awesomest???

There are a lot of theories as to how this could be over on TV Tropes, whether the curse is broken whether Galaxy Quest plays into anything whether some of the movies aren't actually that great and we're somehow deluding ourselves, here: Star Trek Movie Curse (seriously the name of the trope,) but I have a far stranger idea.

Maybe Star Trek became James Bond?

Casino Royale- awesome. Quantum of Solace- boring. Skyfall- awesome. Spectre- boring. I can't explain the mechanism behind it, somethign having to do with reboot/prequels?, but that's seriously what I think (though, actually what I think is that, curses are a load of hooey anyway. But not playing along with it is no fun, so there we go.)

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