Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Spoiler-Free Spoiler Talk

Avoiding spoilers so fastidiously, I'm not sure how I'm going to be able to do it. I'm already going to see Moana, like totally; I guess it was all the Zootopia that did it to me, knowing the full plot and everything before going into theaters for the first time. Also, potentially, partly why I went to go see it so many times; to bury the early viewings, create one solid mass where nothing is a surprise, masking that nothing was a surprise the first time either, wondering what it must be like to see the TWISTS as twists.

So I walked out of the theater when the Moana trailer came on, in front of Finding Dory, scored me a calzone before heading back in in time for Piper. So I still haven't seen the teaser yet or anything. I know all of, whom Dwayne Johnson is playing in the film, and I consider that too much.

And Homecoming, hoo boy. I'm still totally spoiling Ragnarock and Guardians 2 and Doctor Strange for myself as much as possible, but, for some reason, this Spider-Man, he is as near and dear to me as that Moana girl is (and I remember the third thing that struck me about Zootopia unrelated to any viewings! Sweet! I'd thought maybe it had to deal with, feet, or Kath Soucie, but I guess not.) More recent things, though?

Judy offending Nick, and then later it's like, well that was a random detour, even in the Emoji recreation feeling perfunctory... I realized, the old Nick, he never would have forgiven Judy. Judy had changed him, by that time.

Boy that give me the feels...

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