Friday, August 19, 2016

Merch (70 Items and Other Stuff)

So, I don't know, but I guess I've been listening to like a podcast or two lately where it's all, oh yeah this episode is about Zootopia let's talk about Zootopia, I've seen it 9 times already, with the episode in question being released, about a couple of weeks to a month after the film came out. By that time I'd already seen it, 12, 13 times, still beating out your excessive number of viewings with my own excessive number of viewings, but it's like, man, if normal folks're okay with my obsessed patronage of this film, how am I supposed to compete with teh furrehs all about this.

I haven't actually seen the movie since it dropped from theaters here; it's been more than a month... Which I'm okay with I suppose; there's handfuls of summer movies out that I still need to catch. Don't even need to see those in theaters; tickets cost money, and although it's trivially easy to justyouknow sneak into films, a good two thirds of the point is the patronage you're providing.

...Wasn't much of a cinema attendee back at home; oh of course now is the time you choose to get into buying lots of movie tickets, the time when you actually have to start buying your own food instead of raiding your mother's pantry...

I bought a cone of ice cream today, from the Cocoa Bean. It's my second this week, after the cone from Paradise Doughnuts on Monday. Ice cream in cones is, you know, my "thing," and... also, I think it was kind of necessary, since apparently I dropped 10 pounds since Tuesday which is really bizarre... Gotta get that sugar in me; dropping 10 pounds in between plasmapheresis sessions a couple of days apart is apparently a cause for temporary deferral at least for a buck-fifty-ish guy like me. What I think it is, is, honestly, after having gone to the Snoasis and the Karie Anne's and all the doughnuts last week, and having hardly any sugar this week, my body just decides to lose weight like madnuts even though it wasn't really gaining much weight with all the sugar intake. It's possible for a metabolism to work like that, right? I noticed with the No Sugar challenge last spring/summer, all my greatest weight losses all happened right after the interims between sessions. I'm pretty sure I've got a blog post written on it, left unpolished and unposted somewhere within the vast sea of all the blogging I didn't do last year...

Let's hope that the timing of the ice cream eating works out, and I do get fat from it, instead of getting even skinnier... It's one cone, though; I mean what would that even do, honestly (aside from tricking the body into a metabolic period of increased lipid, hang-on-iness.)

I was talking about all the times I went to go see Zootopia, anyway. How much money it cost me, and the last time I went to go see it, on its last day in local theaters. All the stuff I talked about here, as a matter of fact, where I also calculated how much money exactly that it did cost me. $166.50 in tickets, thereabouts, 31 tickets in total, $26.50 in concessions: $193, just relating to viewing the one film out of the handful of films I saw at least once in theaters this year.

I'm trying not to think about all the money I spent going to go see other films as well...

Luckily nothing coming up really interests me all that much. Sing and Moana and maybe if there's a group going to see Doctor Strange or Rogue One or maybe even Fantastic Beasts, I'll tag along. Reacher 2. But not many definites.

Even calculating in the other films this year into the mix of the money I spent on Zootopia tickets, though, the money spent all there pales (money paling?) in comparison to the money I spent on Zootopia merchandise this year. I've finished sifting through all my receipts for this year, very carefully tallying everything up, and I've come up with some data on all the money I didn't spend on getting myself a nice bike, or paying for tuition, or anything. Ready?

Number of distinct items of separately purchasable merchandise bought: 70. Number of books: 25. Number of ebooks among them, convenient digital duplications of what I would eventually track down in real life: 4. Number of items purchased twice, by accident: 2. Number of items purchased twice, deliberately: 1 (89¢ grab n' go mini-coloring-book package, with the second being bought for a local Syrian refugee drive.) Number of items purchased since last viewing: 9. Number of birthday cards: 10.

All in all, total amount of money spent on all the loot (not counting the second grab n' go pack): $589.44. Amount of that in taxes/shipping and handling: $35.40.

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