Saturday, August 27, 2016


Hey, so I discovered this message in my gmail (account from mission) outbox, which I'd meant as one of the emails intended as a blog post, that whole failed thing that only the anecdote regarding The Zucchini resulted from. There was this too, and only now do I realize, I never actually posted that. So I'll do that now.

It turns out that Elder Rodriguez, who's in my evening zone, also watches Friendship is Magic, and since he's in my arrival group we're the same distance into the third season together.

[Here's where I'd talk about being in evening zone together, Special Projects. I guess I didn't finish writing everything in this post... no wonder why I never sent it. Anyway, Special Projects, and then both of us in some kind of crack computer squad Very Special Projects working downstairs away from the main computer lab, in a little computer lab in a restricted access area (not that exciting, just think of it as a lounge but even more boring.) Very Special Projects had a bit of a music war, over whether to play music in the background while we worked on our Very Special Projects, or not, or if so what music, all that. Some I think Celtic?, instrumental is playing at one point, and most of the elders think that there's this one section that sounds like another song.]

They thought that it sounded like Yellow Submarine, but there was another song that I thought it sounded more like, and it was niggling at the back of my mind. I realized it was "You Gotta Share, You Gotta Care," and Elder Rodriguez said he knew that song, and in fact he knew what show it was from, and I said, great, but he said no, he watches it too. When his apartment came over for... [something? I think interapartmental council, but I don't have all my journals with me currently to double-check. Anyway, there, it turned out that Elder Fish too, I guess is what I was going for so, is also that, so] there's a lot of... [brony? friendship? magic?] if you know where to look for it.

[I was probably going to write something here about how it's weird but also I guess fine but also kind of limiting I suppose too] that our relationship is based around coming out at the same time and both liking that show. We're both in the same place, although he's one episode ahead of me. [Maybe I was going to mention here the time he synopsed the episode for me by the vending machines during break time? That's basically the story.]

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