Sunday, August 14, 2016

Genealogy Work: Wolves (Sheep) Shepherds (Sheep) and Sheep (Sheep)

Gave a talk at church this morning. First off, may I say, morning church, which is what's going on this summer, is very, morning. My circadian rhythm this summer seems to be, go to bed late, wake up late, take a nap at noon, take a nap at 3:00. Haven't napped at all today. Not that tired, though I woke up earlish; still I should probably sleep soon.

Second off- I don't really have the text of the speech; I didn't write it down. I didn't make it up entirely on the fly, I did have some waypoints I wanted to touch, but, that is basically what happened.

I managed to exhaust most of my random tangents in my head, arranging my mental notes in preparing to get up. Farmville is a subject I didn't even mention in the talk proper, but apparently a lot of divergency can come off of it. Harlan Ellison, TLC (the band.) None of that got brought up.

The talk, vaguely, in reality went something like this:

I explain who I am. And get into it: 
There are three kinds of people in the world. You can define however many categories you want, and classify them however you want; for the purpose of this talk, I say three. And the third doesn't matter. 
Wolves. The third is wolves.
The two kinds of people other than that are sheep and shepherds. And in reality, everyone is actually a sheep. Even wolves. And shepherds. We're all sheep. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, said to follow him, so we should be sheep that are shepherds... Sheep follow other sheep all the time, so that makes sense... 
My talk is family history work and indexing. 
Something about how, living people have the power to come back to the fold by themselves. Call you up, "hey I'd like to speak with the missionaries," [heavenly choir.] Dead sheep are the ones we should lead. Dead sheep can't help themselves. Reach your hand to a dead sheep.
We should seek out our kindred dead. I explain why: families, all that, and why it's important to be baptised in the first place, with only ordinances allowing us to return to the Heavenly Presence. 
I explain the Spirit of Elijah?, a manifestation of the Holy Ghost turning the hearts of the children to the fathers, vice versa, just like Malachai wrapped up the Old Testament prophesying would happen. 
...I ask for a raise of hands (or whatever) asking how many have felt that connection to an ancestor, someone they'd never met but still felt love towards. No hands. I explain how I actually expected hands?... 
...Indexing is how we help others. It's easy, and maybe almost fun. Like Bejeweled, except you can play it on Sundays.... 
Everybody's a sheep. Even wolves are sheep. Like in Hitch, when he takes her to Ellis Island, and he was a serial killer, but she still felt something.... 

Bleeh, I guess that's a good enough overview of my talk. It wasn't really that long; I wrapped it up when it felt like time.

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