Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Spin Doctor, False Memories, False Spin Doctors

AARGH Tell me why I spent so much time today researching false memories again. Not that I spent all that much time researching it, but, it's the one situation where you're too paranoid to even attempt to reconstruct your own train of actions.

Memory from my childhood which I could never quite work out: Mom, me, at some kind of, mall or airport or something? Escalators, shiny metal. Stairs, we walk past/under. I am very small. A doorway. A dark room. I am surrounded by people, pressing around me. Doctors? Am I being operated on? Am I being born? But, no, Mom's not here. How do I feel about that? I can't say. Malleability of memory is useful if you have PTSD, not if you're trying to recreate something you never understood nor fully remembered from childhood.

I bring this up because, I'm not sure if I actually do remember these particular levels from childhood, from the old Mac we used to have back when we had a zillion cats, but they sure the heck seem familiar. Though an aitch of a lot more deucedly difficult-seeming, now (Tanara ("Dallin"?) is playing on Specialist, the top difficulty tier, but that just affects how fast the wands move, not the actual level layouts themselves...) Video is 34:31 long, but, Spin Doctor!

I only remember like 16 levels, though, existing in total, not 106... looking into it, I seem to be describing Spin Doctor Challenger, a 10-level demo bundled with Macintosh Performa computers, which, looking at photos of those, is definitely the system we had (that computer's still around, buried somewhere backstage at the high school auditorium, and you still see it occasionally enough to know what it looks like.) Based on the one or two videos I can find of that system specifically being played, I really can't tell anything, though... but I definitely (mmmhmmm) remember more than just 10 levels, or the levels being more complex than the introductory few levels of the full Spin Doctor game, at any rate.


And I couldn't go this long writing out "Spin Doctor" over and over again without getting the band stuck in my head... and I couldn't think of that without thinking of this:

I'm not sure whether this fits into false memories or not. Looking up the wrong guy...? I do remember the conversation going slightly differently, though, with Greg being the one to go "...they DO have the same name!" instead of Bill (which he does a little, but not the way I remember it) with the camera being completely different furthermore. Fits in there at least a little, at least on the personal side of things, even if it doesn't really have anything to do with the incident described above. Either way one of the greatest incidents in late-night television within the past five years. Says I.

So anyway I haven't eaten like anything today. Until I went shopping for groceries a couple of hours ago, at least. Is it put-pumpkins-into-everything season again already? (That's the TRUE most wonderful time of the year, tellin' you right now.) I don't think so... which means that Noosa pumpkin yoghurt (where have you been all my life?) is available year-round. Greatest news of the day.


  1. Spin Doctor! That's the game's name! Thank you for finding it! I remember loving that game when I was younger but never knew enough to look it up again... until now!
