Friday, November 4, 2016

"Nothing Will be the Same Again" (New Earpiece, New Stylus, and Cable TV)

Been quoting Zoolander all day for some reason? And the IT Crowd. For some reason. And been braining storms for visual ideas for the Outlet project. I came up with this perfect one for St George, picture made from cracks in the desert earth type deal, and was all, yesss. I should render that.

Only in order to do that, I needed my tablet. Which I have, but it's not much good without a stylus. Which I've been looking for for months.

I went down to the lounge, I think maybe I left it there, probably at the entertainment station where it would be all technological and nobody would move it, thinking it belonged... checked the electronics bits, with the sound system and everything, and... we had a cable box this whole time? Well then. Like both Dipper and Mabel said in the episode of Gravity Falls I then watched on the Disney Channel (The Time Traveler's Pig,) nothing will be the same again. (EDIT: Everything is different now, that is. Shoot, I already titled this post, so...)

So, we had cable this whole time. I could've been not missing ABC Tuesdays, this whole time. Huh. It required some rewiring of HDMI cables, for some reason, but...

Still no stylus, anyway. I went back up to the apartment, maybe I'd go down to the computer lab where they've got the Wacoms but I don't know the stylus situation with those, I think you need your own but I saw one in the desk drawer at the front of the room there... when Ryan called me, as I was exiting programs so that I could eject the flash drive so that I could take it down to the lab. He was at the Lost and Found sale, and though I didn't need a charger cord for my MP3 player/recorder (which I used to record my interviews, and needed a basic USB cable to transfer the files to the computer and to charge,) there were also glasses there, maybe in my prescription, so that I wouldn't have to wear my earpiece-broken-and-out-of-warranty-so-customized-by-me-with-a-pencil-behind-the-ear-as-earpiece-which-I-rather-like-and-I-think-communicates-"me"-well-but-they-slide-down-whenever-I'm-looking-down-so-I-have-to-scrunch-so-they-don't-fall-off-which-gives-me-a-headache-and-sometimes-they-fall-off-anyway-maybe-I-shouldn't-have-stuck-them-in-the-oven-which-ruined-the-good-earpiece-too-'cause-it-melted-a-bit-and-warped pair. There were only about 20 minutes left in the Lost and Found sale by this point, so there wasn't a nutsoid crazyface long line like there usually is at those, and I was just heading out anyway, so I grabbed my stuff and went down to the sale.

There were glasses there- Ryan had already assembled a handful that may have matched my prescription, which was good and saved on what little time we had left. I checked out some pairs, chose one. The prescription isn't perfect over a distance, but closeup it is. There were also a few cords he'd selected for me to review, neither of which was the right kind. But on the electronics table, there...

A stinkin' stylus! Not the make and model of the missing one, but the right brand and totally compatible, and actually way fancier than my old one. Because God is a really cool guy.

There was also a bandanna, and tennis shoes, not at the electronics table but other tables of course, both of which I got. But no matter.

Went down to the lab, scanned my sketches for design ideas for the Outlet project, worked on work. Scanned some other stuff too, like this:

I've gotten a lot better at both drawing and digital coloring, from looking back at everything... and coloring digitally is so much easier now, again, now that I've got a stylus instead of just 2.0's touchpad and/or any computer mouse I decide to plug into the port whenever I'm down in the lab with 2.0. The mild sense of deja vu that I've told you that before after posting up that exact picture of Pretzels can only confirm this.

(I post to you this drawing of my fursona in the first place to point out the fact, now that I've got normal-person earpiece on my glasses, instead of a pencil, at least with this pair I no longer match Pretzels in having an art implement as an earpiece on the left side (with Pretzels it's a paintbrush of course.))

So. New stylus. New specs. Both old, of course, because they'd gotten lost, but, new. Just like, also, we'd apparently had cable this whole time, with a perfectly healthy smart card to boot.

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