Sunday, November 20, 2016

Now I'm 25, Trying to Stay Alive

I know I (will have) posted this last year too, but 1) I didn't post that yet and 2) it mentions being both 24 and being 25. So.

Look at this, a song about being the age I'm at, again. Is this going to be a thing that continues? Well, I'm not sure I know any songs about being 26 years old, so, maybe this is the last of it.

I'm a quarter of a century old. I have memories of proceedings during the administration of three U.S. presidents, and I'm pretty sure three Church presidents. It's really not that long a time; a quarter isn't that much. There were new episodes of television shows that came out the day I was born, I checked*- but more important episodes of television shows came out the day after**. And Freddie Mercury died three days after that. And 33 days after that the Soviet Union finally collapsed. And it's slipping out of my hands a bit, sorry.

It was a Sunday today. Not much happened. I fell asleep a couple of times in church but Ryan kept poking me awake. I finished a religion class assignment that was due last night that I'd started then forgotten about until getting into bed past midnight. I ate some pizza, and some donuts, and yeah some healthy stuff in there too, but that's not very interesting nor birthdayish. Other than that, I can't remember anything in particular happening today. It was kind of blah. Uneventful. Which isn't a bad thing, better than the other thing, so I'm happy.

The party won't be till Wednesday. There were the mini-festivities of last night that I told you about; perhaps I should post up some documentation of said proceedings. There was rainbow cake, to go with my Rainbow Dash.

*Happy 25th birthday, the "The Nose Job" episode of Seinfeld!
**The The Simpsons' episode of that night, "Flaming Moe's," happens to be directed by none other than Rich Moore. And I'm pretty sure there was an episode of Wings and/or Cheers that also aired that evening as well.

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