Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Posting vs Anxieties

I'm not really under any obligation to post, though there is a daily deadline, and so I'm able to get the post in, by that or like slightly after it. Usually, past few days that is, I'd be in bed by this time, and posting this is the only thing keeping me up. Reading a book which I want to read, but feel like I'm under the obligation to do so, a non-fiction deal, I can't get very far into it (measure that in sentences, not pages.) Anxiety.

I'm not sure how it worked, on my mission getting things done no problem, no anxiety. Work was in its own space, own little cubicle, could be it; separate spaces allowing me to focus on the task at hand. Or maybe my anxieties have only blossomed after my mission, I don't really remember having any back K-12, though I wasn't so hot at getting my homeworks done, and I guess I did blame "math anxiety" for my mathematics-based issues. But I really think it's the idea that I wasn't the final line in PPO, pre-publications operations, and that someone would be there after me to make sure things were publication-fit? And there's a lot of publishing in graphic design, one of the many reasons it wasn't a good fit (in the other sense of the word fit)?

And look there I go, hitting publish two seconds late, and I guess this is WEDNESDAY'S post instead. Tasks were discrete, was maybe how I could fit deadlines on time. But I don't know.

What I wanted to say was, writing these posts seems to be something I'm good at, so, well I don't know, pay me money or something, my thought sort of fell apart; either way, my post starting out with the idea that writing these is something I don't get anxious about, if I were obligated to post, would that change?

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