Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Subjective Infinity War Now??

Trying to avoid spoilers. I think I manage it. Just by being as vague as possible?? Like you haven't seen it yet, but just in case...

Spider-Man: Homecoming, you know the villain twist? I figured it out about 15 seconds before it actually happened, just by thinking about how I would have tied the plot threads together had I written the script. There's a similar reveal in Infinity War, which I figured out beforehand by about the same length of time, but just by recognizing the character's voice the first time he speaks.

Anyway, this same scene marks about the time where the film gets good, for me. Not that part of the scene, but the way that that scene ends. Maybe there are cuts to other places while all this is going on, but it would be wickedly appropriate to label it as, the french scene, with those characters at that place at that time. I saw this coming as well, by a margin significantly longer than 15 seconds, but the fact that they'd be willing to do that is what marked the turning point. Up till that point, Infinity War had just been characters meeting each other and interacting in fun and interesting ways, the way we knew they would. Everything had been leading up to it, and it went about how we expected. After that point, Infinity War could start telling its own story. What happens the moment after the moment everything had been leading up to.

But yeah that's basically it. I seriously flipped out during the stinger scene, start to finish, and after its finish reacting to the final reveal. The post-credit sequences, they're a lot more informal or something, make me feel comfortable cheering and gasping out loud and everything. (Another thing I saw coming/hoped to have coming: the actor's catchphrase being used there, or the g-rated half of it at least. Sweet how they could fit that in.)

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