In ALex's dream there was a flashforward, narrative technique we don't think about just accpe it as we accpet most dream logics and evne when we don't accpet something our dream logic comes up wit h a more dreiculous explainaiton and we accpte that one. When black and white tv was invented, a whole generation just dreamed in black and white. And now we dream in cinematic techniuqe. I wonded hoe a preicnudstirnalized civiliaztion mucst dream, whatt nattratiove technigcuwe anre neing used there; somethimes i think we're too mhonomiziniginiazed,
TRANSLATED: In Alex's dream there was a flashforward, narrative technique we don't think about, just accept it, as we accept most dream logics; and even when we don't accept something our dream logic comes up with a more ridiculous explanation and we accept that one. When black and white tv was invented, a whole generation just dreamed in black and white. And now we dream in cinematic technique. I wonder how a pre industrialized civilization must dream, what narrative techniques are being used there; sometimes I think we're too homiginized.
There are probably mind blowingly creative cinematic techniques in the dreams of those who don't know what cinema is.
(Can you believe that spellcheck correctly guessed every word I'd meant to say? Except for "pre industrialized" it just wanted to render as "industrialized," so I had to split off the "pre" there. And also it had no idea what to do with my rapid-type spelling of "homogenized." It's not even marked with red underline.)
a toad man is a man who tells the future by throwing toad bones into a stream and reading the portents
the "fig" and the "bird" are signs against the evil eye. A sheela na gig is a carving of a (heavily stylized) woman exposing her privates as a ward against evil.