Thursday, November 1, 2018

Art Observations On What I'm Good At Or Not (Inktober and Nanowrimo, but also can be applied generally!)

Writing that took a lot out of me. Urgh. It was, like, two and a half days of wordcount for NaNoWriMo,  completed in one day, completed at the expense of my Instagram post for the day. With the lingering effects of such a stiff writing session at the expense of my NaNoWriMo and my Instagram for today as well. I mean, there's still time left in the day, if I want to write some more and implode. And it also went in a different direction from what I'd anticipated?, for some reason my writing always manages to sneak in weird trivia facts and pop culture references into itself, which (if all goes well) turn out to have some weird symbolic connection to the themes and events of the story. May as well lean into that, I guess. Treat it as a strength of mine, build things around that. I guess I'm in the mood for some, maybe, "Finn Moone explores his feelings for pages and pages;" that wouldn't be that bad.

Also today, not part of Inktober but just drawing, for funsies, it's really good appealing stuff and it's like, why couldn't I pull that out for Inktober? I think it's because, well a) because I'm not very good at linework and inking is LITERALLY 100% LINEWORK that is except for the parts of it that are about value work, which I'm "eh" at, but b) or maybe c) because the value thing was b), I tried too hard, and maybe if I'd just worked in my own style or whatever (a style that doesn't go so hot with inking or something?,) that would have been "more authentic."

But they really were right, my characters do have an appeal to them, and I need to capitalize on that rather than try to draw in whatever style I may be technically proficient in but unimaginative. 

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