Friday, January 27, 2017


The ancient Zapotec site of Monte Alban is constructed along a N/S axis, except for one building, building J, which is offset. It's believed that building J was an astronomical observatory, and, sure, why not. There are large stones around the base of building J depicting buildings atop upside-down heads, and that probably signifies the defeat of some foreign ruler. Makes sense- the building indicates a place or place name, the face indicates a ruler, the head's being upside-down indicates that ruler's deposition.

But that's no fun. When I saw the carvings, my immediate thought was, the city is actually a giant transforming fighting robot. So here's the concept: ancient Pre-Columbian cities are giant robots, actually, but dormant, with the robot's giant head (heck maybe an Olmec head) buried underground, to swing right-side-up upon the city's activation. The ancient sites/steampunk mecha get into fights, and maybe fend off an alien invasion of feathered serpents.

I would be doing a 24-hour comic of that right now, before I realized, that's a really stupid idea.

The only panel I made.

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