Sunday, January 29, 2017

FoxTrot (Confessor) Brings the Flood

Named this post after the comic strip FoxTrot, and I guess the Neko Case album Fox Confessor Brings the Flood which I'm listening to right now? (YouTube playlist of official full album stream.) Pretty good so far; off to a better start than her Middle Cyclone, at least, as far as albums I've heard from her goes. Standouts, probably the title track, and right now John Saw That Number is playing and that's pretty good.

It's been 11 years to the day since Doomulus Prime made its first appearance, and it's been years since I thought about it but watching a YouTube video on how to hack MMORPGS which I hadn't even meant to click on, (alright so the video before that one was the one I hadn't meant to click on, but after that I was all, hey these DEFCON panels are pretty interesting, is what happened) and all of a sudden I remembered Doomulus Prime, and how awesome it was and how hard I laughed when I read that strip for the first time, so I decided to track it down and, it was 11 years to the day that that exact strip came out. Which means- mind blown- it being Sunday January 29th again for the first time in 11 years, any comic syndication service showcasing FoxTrot would have that exact strip as today's. Such as the one on my Kindle... but if there's one thing I'm good at keeping track of it's nothing, so I actually can't find that to double-check. But, that should be the case.* It takes 11 years for the day/date to sync up again, I mean that's the way Calvin and Hobbes reruns go, so...**

So YouTube videos anyway? I'm going to go long on this post, I can feel it, so I'm there we go, I just published, and am just going to have the rest of this as an update to the post, instead of having to backdate it going through that trouble.

I napped all this afternoon and evening, seriously going to sleep around 1:00 pm I guess and sleeping until 9:00. I really really really (really really really) need to do my homework which is due Monday, which is of course now today, by my time zone's standards and there we go, we just passed the 1:00 mark which means by this blog's time zone standards as well. So that's what I'm doing.

I hadn't meant to put it off, but YouTube binges called, and it was always all, welll it's not that intensive a project, and (and The Needle Has Landed is playing right now and I'm really enjoying it) anyway, I trapped myself on this one. I'd been going to get some of it done today/yesterday (Sunday anyway) (and apparently The Needle Has Landed is the last track of the album, sad) but keeping the Sabbath day holy is a thing, and was reemphasized in Priesthood, and so, like, man I can't do homework on the sabbath, no matter how easy, so I just slept then, and am awake now. Only, what was to be done there, between 9:00 and 12:00?

Well, you know. I watched YouTube.

Probably would have been keeping the Sabbath holier just doing homework. We're like little kids, you know, with literal minds. Oh, I can't do that, so I'll do this, and you make it so much worse.

But sometimes little kids, in taking things at face value, stumble across some obvious solution no one else had thought to try before because their parameters were too jaded.

In watching a video review of Ender's Game, something something Orson Scott Card something something homophobia something something something. And now I don't have very many opinions on very many things, but if there is one thing I do hold to very strongly, it's that Orson Scott Card is not a homophobe, seriously just friggin' read friggin' Songmaster, like, dang. I guess I just hold to this idea so strongly that whenever I get challenged on it, I have to rethink my entire worldview. The challenge doesn't even have to be that direct or that strong. People who clearly don't know what they're talking about, who've only heard from whatever-hand sources, just bringing it up casually, can set me off. And get me really introspective. Not even about that, just, make me think about my life.

So, yeah, Sabbath obtained, I guess.

*Bill Amend only discontinued the weekday strips, though, but still does Sundays, so that is something that would definitely need to be checked on a service-by-service syndication basis.
**I'm not sure how leap days work, though...

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