Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Back Up and Running (First Post of the Year?)

Came home from a New Year's Eve party at like 8:00 or 9:00 at night, and totally conked out. Managed to wake up at exactly midnight, less than a minute beforehand, so I was conscious for the coming of the new year. Didn't even make enough of a stir, though, for my Fitbit to register that as anything more than mere restlessness. It occurred to me vaguely that I was missing making a post, but was too spacey to care. I told the others to wake me up when they got back, for a round of SeaFall, but everyone else was so tired too that they didn't bother.

New Year's Day, Blogger plum just didn't appear to be working for me. Spun its wheels, without getting anywhere. Oh, well.

Yesterday night we spent in a motel room on the way up here- weather was absolutely barmy (contrast that to balmy,) so we just found a Motel 6 around 5:30 at night (more like 6:30 we were so close to the time zone line,) stayed there. The room had wifi, but I couldn't get it to work for me. So no blogging yesterday either.

Spent more time driving up today, and we're finally back at school- I'm in the apartment, in my bedroom, as I write this. Woo. There's the wifi and everything, so my only excuse for not posting anything today would be, I'm pretty dang tired right now. Not New Year's Eve tired or anything, so there really is no excuse. So here I is.

Spent half the day in the car, but I made all the Fitbit goals for the day! Climbed at least 10 flights, spent at least half an hour being active, stepped at least 10,000 steps, burned at least 2,800 calories, walked at least 5 miles. There was some, time there, getting all-weather tires on the car, where there was a break and I could get in some running and stuff. Isn't that interesting?

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