Sunday, January 22, 2017

I Discuss Hypothetical TV Shows and Then Rant About YouTube Marketing Techniques for a Bit, is the TL;DR of It

So I gave myself a haircut, and let me just say, there should totally be a medical drama-type show ER-style, only the emergency is haircuts? Like, oh man, this is a bad haircut, and they have to perform a risky hairstyling operation to hopefully fix it. But my hair looks good now. It's... a lot shorter. That's what I would have talked about last night, were I in the mood.

Really though, on the subject of what would make for good TV, I've got a great idea for a game show: by answering questions correctly you yourself get to ask questions right on back, about the answers to the questions upcoming or just whatever, so you can ask the statistical breakdown of how many upcoming questions have the answer of C, or what the answer to the million dollar question is, or if your opponent's character is Bernard... Yeah, so it's like Guess Who, as a trivia show. Came to me in a dream, I think maybe a nap dream, Fridayish morning. Pretty solid idea. You'd probably even get to pull some dope math stunts, as in the video below (you seen this yet?), doing all that logic-y stuff... (14:31.) (I haven't actually seen it in a while, but I think I would have remembered if there were any egregious cussage, so it should be good.)

A lot of caps there, in that title, and some really bold lettering in the video thumbnail... I'm sure it must be a newer thing, because I only started noticing it last year, on YouTube videos, where the video icon combines text and images, in a really clickable and usually really misleading way (you, Screen Rant! I'm looking at you! With your little red arrows and circles around things in the thumbnail, that you don't even mention in the videos themselves... I mean, your videos are better than WatchMojo's, but only by a little! That's not an excuse to still be terrible! Whatever, who even needs your opinions anyway...) Lists, of course, have always been a great clickbaiting thing, because, maybe you're going to learn something, or maybe they're going to miss one, or something, and of course they're going to miss one, they're going to miss a lot of ones, and then you'll have to go down in the comments section and interact and... I got really disillusioned with YouTube during the Summer of last year, but got over it right around the time that everyone else was becoming disillusioned with YouTube. So I could laugh at their disillusionment. Fun.

But I guess this ties into what I'd been going to say, because there was this job opportunity through Graphic Design class last semester, which of course I was not selected for, because portfolio matters, but the job was to design the video thumbnails, and I'm pretty sure also to write the inane video description in the doobly-doo, for YouTube videos for Studio C and the like? And, man, Studio C's doobly-doo just keeps getting more and more and more inane, like, seriously you read some of this crap... now that I know at least the basic behind-the-scenes, I can kind of tell it's written by a college art major, I guess... I just sound really bitter talking about this stuff, and I don't mean to, but, I just have this bile at the back of my throat right now that I just can't seem to get rid of, no matter how much generic puffed rice cereal I eat...

Job opportunities through school, anyway, that's what I really meant to talk about, before going on another tangent. You know what, you don't even have to read this stuff, I've just been rambling this whole time... Getting to the actual point by now would be too much of a tangent of anything else, just a completely different tone and everything, and the mild sense of deja vu I receive upon writing that seems to indicate that that's true, and I guess I'm stopping.

1 comment:

  1. Loved the video. If I find that game at the thrift store I just might buy it...
