Wednesday, January 11, 2017

My Brother's Keeper Keeper Keeper Keeper Keeper Keeper Keeper Keeper Keeper Keeper Keeper Keeper Keeper Keeper Keeper Keeper Keeper Keeper Keeper Keeper Keeper Keeper Keeper Keeper Keeper Keeper Keeper Keeper Keeper Keeper Keeper Keeper Keeper Keeper Keeper Keeper Keeper Keeper Keeper Keeper Keeper

Mondays and Wednesdays. Those are the busy days for the this-semester me; the days on which I've got three classes. With the conclusion of this Wednesday, that's every day of the week experienced this semester. As long as I've got my work done, these weekdays aren't that bad- the two ones I've had at least?

I've already had big stuff due, in my online course; I'm not going to say much beyond that other than, it was due Tuesday instead of Monday like it'd normally be, because the semester's just begun, so I'm bringing it up to say Tuesdays would make a pretty good workday for Wednesday stuff.

The fact that Mondays are a busy day, which also have the Information Design blogging usually due, means that I've made it a goal, which I completely ignored last week because I'm a moron, to have my Information Design stuff done on Saturday.

Looks like no classes on Monday next week, though, and with Thursdays and Fridays having only one class each, really easy ones to boot (but still good and super useful/fascinating!), it looks like it's basically time for a, five-day weekend. Which is the last thing I need right now... alright, I suppose I can self-impose a little structure. And not having those three classes to sweat over sounds like a good time to me.


  1. Enlighten me as to the title of your post vs. the contents...

    1. There was a Kim B Clark talk, I think called My Brother's Keeper. Only with 40 more "keeper"s in there. Because I was tired and loopy.
