Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Post THE HUNDREDTH, For Which I Needed a Title Anyway, So Why Not Celebrate with It?

   Waste is my arch-nemesis. (Not counting, of course, Buckminster Fuller, but that's disparate.) My distaste at things going to waste is quite possibly the driving force behind almost all of my psychology. I can think of only two other of these driving forces in my psychology, those being the idea of free will (and, tied to the waste thing, not wanting to waste the near infinite potential that free will brings) and my relationship toward animals (maybe with this too, not wanting to waste their meat and fur? Though that seems kind of weak in comparison. (Though that does explain why I'm a cannibal. (What I mean is, or I would be, if there were any source of human meat that didn't immediately raise eyebrows. If they died of natural causes, it seems kind of disrespectful, and if they die because we killed them, then, dude, we just killed a dude, so...)))

   So, just three things that are tied between the first one- free will- and waste, which weigh majorly on me and my lifestyle in general:

1. People who are a waste of life should all just die. This is why I support the death penalty. I know it's a ridiculously expensive and morally ambiguous thing to do, but people should just die. Just, kill 'em all. Their being criminals is just a good excuse. I don't want to be a waste of life, so I'm insecure about whether other people think I should live.

2. I dislike wasting time. This is different from being impatient, since patience for something that is definitely a go is time well spent. Thus my career path. Being in the creative sector makes the job full-time, since any time could be a time for inspiration to strike.

3. We are endowed with rationality and agency for ourselves. People talk of finding themselves or their true callings, or being comfortable in their own skins, but I think that to define yourself would be to limit yourself. People talk of not wanting to give up part of themselves, but they do not seem to realize that free will means that what "they" are is entirely mutable.

   Maybe something about animals later, but I already pretty much explained that, so maybe not.

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