Monday, April 3, 2017


Went all the way across to Centre Square on the opposite end of campus to go do the Business for the Professional Artist final with Mica (Webb.) It's as long a walk to there as it would be were I to go to Albertson's to shop, it's just, a nuts ways away. The final is a take-home, open-note, do-it-with-your-classmates deal, because Bro Burr really wants us to know our stuff, and double-guessing and double-checking the answer in all your notes is a surprisingly effective way to ensure that.

I'm basically brain dead right now.

We went over the conquest of Mexico in Mesoamerican art class today, and then that was it. Got my stuff all turned in, no more class there. Tomorrow's the last day of Burrbiz. Trying to get a print in before then. I've got my CMYK stencils; I just need my CMYK. Been trying to mix some cyan, but it's not been going very well- magenta's next. Yellow and black I already have.

Coming out as a furry (in the "debutante" sense, not in the "closet" sense) has been really interesting so far. I can't think off the top of my tired head one thing that's interesting about it, but it's probably that, and really so. Struck me like an existential gong, coming home from finals, looking up at the stars in the night sky of the newborn day, that this thing is happening, and will continue to happen, and is a part of me now. Or, not of me, but of my life: I sank so much into it, the silkscreen print and everything, I'm obligated to continue.

Been seeing more and more often students around campus wearing fluffy faux fur tails. Not even the ladyfurries from Fandomonium[!], the two from Animal Farm, I see doing that. But there was a girl, walking next to this other girl, as I was on my way to print finals stuff for Mesoamerican class, with a tail sticking out from under her long coat, you know? Then I saw, outside of religion class, someone with iron-on patches on their backpack, just, iron-on patches, and it struck me the same way. It's kind of alien to me, expressing personality through modification of dress. Like pinning a bunch of pins on your shoulder bag, you know? I don't understand that. It'd be like getting a tattoo or something; there's just something vaguely, immodest, in the form of, calling attention to yourself, about it. Expressing yourself through appearance rather than action. Strange. Bizarre.

Outside the apartment's kitchen window this morning, or, yesterday morning, I saw that guy again, this guy with a faux fur tail sticking out of his shoulder bag. I've seen him a couple of times before, around this area, not actually on the apartment complex though. I went to investigate, but he'd turned a corner and vanished mysteriously, maybe into the car that had been pulling away. And at Centre Square, searching around to find where Mica was studying, there's, maybe it's a different guy, but, that guy again...

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