Monday, April 10, 2017

Where's My Bandit Hat? (PretzelsVlog no 2)

It took all day to put this video together; I hope you enjoy it.

I describe my haircut as "wicked" in a take which got saved to my lav but which the camera was not actually recording- which is a real shame because that take was my favorite. I mean, that is an accurate assessment of the haircut situation. And I really liked that take... Aaargh it happens I guess.

Meanwhile, in grades-land, it looks like my semester grades are in! I got grades, in all my classes. Good ones? Bad ones? Very much so, thanks for asking!

1 comment:

  1. Love your shirt. I think the colors are fabulous. It looks like a fermata...but when you show the original, I guess it's an eye. I hope you accomplish all that you want to during break. Good luck!
