Saturday, April 15, 2017

Delicious Hot S'mesh

Okay so there's stifff here whenre it's like I'm really tierd and I've been that for an hour or so but haven't got to bed because I can't stop watching the Get-Along Gang like the Nelvana one not the TV show itself but the half-hour special where the animation is actually pretty decent but the plot is still made out of dumb and it's like what am I even doing but too tired to question even that.

But I made the final class schedule today am taking the class again which had two slots left, got an email with the saying that there was three but then another person signed up before me, information design on campus, dropping the advanced typography (that's the email there, that's what it was about, saying there was just too darn many people signed up and offering alternative suggestions.) So things work out, guess not doing too well in the class the first time (after being all behind and stuff in it like I was saying when I was in it) was for a reason, so I could signed for it again after the lateness for the advanced typography signup again? THE ONLY REASON i TOOK THE CLASSES ON AUTUMN TRACK WAS BECAUES IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE WINTER THIS SEMESTER OFFERED, DARN IT. npw ?//I'n a semester more older than I should be and i's just unnatural becase my schedule is having no fun at all with the prereq1s reuqired.

I am100/% not so tired as not to reveal um whatever the word is, alright I CAN TYPE PROPERLY but too tired to think of real words for things at least. Are yp not entertained?

and then with that I could drop bookmaking, which had a person in from of me in the line in the light of the waitlist there, but Iv'e got the all the creids signed uop fro!

W'er the getalong gang getalong gang getalong getalaong we alwasy get to alng get alpng get akolng. Woo.

EDIT: uum so the title of this post was meant to be a pun based off of Buzz's "delicious hot s'hmos" line from Toy Story 2, combined with the word "semester." Must've been really tired to think that made sense...

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