Friday, July 7, 2017

Finals: Attack Pattern

Um so okay like there's one week left in the semester basically and so I don't know I guess I'm not going to panic because at least I have my work cut out for me, but, for sure I've got my work cut out for me. I should have spent today doing homework or something, but the opposite of homework, whatever that is, happened instead. And nothing but. I mean I did spend a little bit of time writing down most of the stuff that I need to have done so that's good, but even then I don't think I caught all of it. 

  • I'm basically done in Information Design since the R&CW thing yesterday, though there is the final module to assemble however that's going to be; whatever, we can put that out of mind for now
  • Interaction Design I'm a couple of modules behind in, though the professor is very understanding and the important thing is that I get those in at all- and the deadline for this is the furthest away, it being an online class and thus extending all the way until the technical end of the semester- so, keep that on the backburner, important to catch up but not as much a priority to complete as:
  • Monotype/Monoprint, I have a list of all the different print techniques that are supposed to be exhibited in my portfolio, and tbh I can't even remember what some of them mean; I'd been putting getting any solid work done in that class off until after the R&CW stuff was finished, but now that's over, and oops I've only got till Thursday to do all of those.
  • Figure Drawing there's a portfolio we're supposed to have there as well, which is just of work we've already completed over the semester at least, so technically all that work's already done... but I'm not sure what the portfolio's even supposed to be comprised of (I think I wrote it down somewhere...?)
  • New Testament class, I've got no idea if there is a final or anything; I haven't attended that class all week, between INDEPENDENCE DAY and hammering out the last of the R&CW designs. Is there a paper or something we need to write? Some final project we should be doing? Looking through upcoming assignments due, it just looks like a participation self-assessment, so, no...?
See? Having everything down in a list automatically suggests the best plan of attack and everything; instead of getting ATTACKED BY ANTS (though like I said this to-do list is basically the only thing I got done today) I can get in there and get things done. There are workarounds, but medication can also work in conjunction with lifestyle, so maybe it's still an option... an option I haven't had time to explore yet; it's finals week and I didn't even realize it till just a few minutes ago when I started this post...

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