Sunday, July 16, 2017

Other Things for Other Blogs; You Know Who You Are

The semester technically ends Tuesday but stuff in Interaction Design is due Mondays and Wednesdays with this week being no exception... so I'm not sure if my stuff needs to be in by Monday at midnight or actually Wednesday at midnight.

Anyway THINGS:

  • StoryForge is a non-game with Hero's Journey elements, like cards representing, among other things, actual specific Hero's Journey plot points. Found out about it here: Of the 6 games mentioned, I've played or seen played all but that and 99 Chances, neither of which I'd heard of until that article. Not a game though, so!
  • Half Alive are pretty darn good, but too 'millenial' for my taste (and no I can't define that either.)
  • The primary scariness against Lion Kinging every day would be, it'd take so long, with 90% of that being who's going to edit that together? I don't mind watching movies every day, 'course, but if I were going to do (I'm thinking vlog format for it now) I'd have to like hire someone willing to edit together a video once a day for a year, 'cause, I ain't doing that.

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