Tuesday, July 18, 2017

It's the Semi-Final Countdown

I'd been going to say something about being that day gnawed on by a dog and then watching the emergency service vehicles turn around the corner and stop and sit, watching the streetlight come on as the police peeled away leaving only the ambulance in limbo; maybe something about giving a talk in church Sunday making it up mostly on the fly, but with a little preparation, and being told by someone I'd make a good writer. Not sure which anymore; probably the latter, so that I could report on the later-occurring event later. I probably would have gone into some detail about either subject. I'm tired.

I think the semester's officially over, but that doesn't stop me from still having things due Wednesday... I hope. Today I generally spent generally "out of it;" tomorrow needs to be busy. I'm actually well into having the final project done (I mean it's not like I accomplished nothing today); I estimate maybe 5 or 6 more hours tops. It's the multitudinous other things that also need to be done tomorrow that mean that I need to work, perhaps not "hard" but "much." If we weren't leaving the day after, that wouldn't necessarily be the case, but before then I've got errands plentiful. 

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