Monday, August 28, 2017

Star System?

Today was spent doing many things shallowly rather than few things deeply. Doing many things does make the day seem more productive, and heck it probably means the day WAS more productive, small steps being giant leaps with great journeys beginning thus and all, but it leaves me at a loss for, which eventful thing(s) to write about. 

There should be some sort of system in place, like a five-star system, regarding how important the blogpost for the day is: most posts would be three stars, of average importance; posts I think particularly deep or important would be five stars; unimportant filler posts wherein I post just to have one in for the day (such as yesterday's) would be one star. And two and four stars in between them.* 

And on a day like this, where I could go into, (one, two, three maybe sure why not, heck four 'cause of that one thing though that really ties into number two and happened the same time as three, five 'cause of that, and 6 I guess that would also be part of five because it ties into that but as long as that's part of five that might as well be both part of number one...) two, different, major trains of thought (1, 5 and 6; 2, 3 and 4) I'm left with a decision wherein, I could make this a five-star post day or, probably a two-star post, if I left it right here. Maybe it'd bump up to a three-star by dint of my explanation of the star system in the first place... actually I think the explanation of the star system makes it a four-star post, like, two two-stars combined.

I am very tired right now. Four stars is good enough for me.

*(I think about YouTube sometimes, that one time they tried going with a star rating system instead of thumbs up/thumbs down, and how to make that work actually- because it really would be useful to have a "love" button instead of just a "like" button, sometimes.**)

**Basically how it would work would be this: it automatically votes a three-star, just from you having watched the video. If you can't be bothered to bump it up or down from there, it truly does deserve its three-star rating.

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