Monday, August 14, 2017

Surely the Earth

Space continues to be way rad. And I continue to post on it apparently.

I was studying the Book of Mormon the other day and there's this part in Helaman 12 I came across that's kind of always niggled me. It's in verse 15, part of this section where he's talking about the power of God, and how God could make the sun stand still in the sky Joshua 10-style. But of course he frames it that, it's the earth going back and not the sun- "for surely it is the earth that moveth and not the sun." It's his going out of the way to explain the astronomy that kills me. 

But I've got it figured out. He needs to make the public service announcement about it, because it was totally a political issue in his time whether the earth revolved around the sun or not. We saw it in the old world, too, where the anti-sciencers were all, naah, God wouldn't do that, He'd build Earth in the center, invoking religion (religious assumption at least) into an area where the scriptures were actually mum, just on their idea of how special God would make the earth. 'Parently the same thing happened with the Nephites too, is what I reckon, and Mormon was on the side of, guys shut up about it already, God never said that, look at the science. 

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