Friday, August 11, 2017

Studying Designs

I think I know how to do good graphic design work now. Or, polished-looking, at least; there's just so much basic, layout stuff I'm also pretty bad at, but just use a grid and remember negative space, right? But comparing your work against a professional's, that's something they have us do, but I think it's entirely too late in the process. We do do image source inspiration searching, but we don't go deep enough. 

App and website design, man look at it. Try to recreate it. 

Just going onto YouTube and looking at the way the graphical elements were handled, it geared me to a much better design in the app project I did for interaction design class. 

Look at this interface. The word processor program I'm typing this into, on Blogger, or Google Docs. It's actually super simple; I'd be able to design it in Illustrator.

But then I see the orange elements, and how they knew to put those highlights in there, the publish button and the blogger logo and the post settings section header, and how that's got type hierarchy and everything, and now I'm thinking, no, I don't think I'd be able to design this.

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