Tuesday, July 19, 2016


There was a massive power outage today. Like, the entire state of Idaho, or something, just, without power, for, hours. I napped for much of it- doing homework in the lounge at the time (Cyndi Lauper is standing right behind you! ha ha ha oops_ ) (guess I's still tires, that was pretty random,) but yeaaah I was out like a light, out like, geez I guess out like the power was.

May I be... cold blooded, but for electricity? Some cross between Electro and the Lizard?

Sleeping on all three sofas in here, not simultaneously of course but successively. Hot days; siesta times ahoy. Doing laundry (and with the power out, like, guess I can't touch-up dry for now, just leave it in there till the power comes back on) I was just in my pagans, I mean, pajamas; that was a weird typo.

I'm really not as tired as I look. Though I'm still in my pajans pagamas pjs.

I'm not sure where I'm sleeping tonight; I dumped a bunch of stuff on my bed, with white glove apartment clean checks tomorrow and the bed being, like, "base" in tag or something for those, a totally free safe zone for yer crap; crap being one thing I never have in short supply.

White glove clean checks, meaning, of course, apartment move-out day; staying here over the summer but moving apartments now, with the current soon-to-be-old apartment undergoing renovations this summer rendering it not suitable for human habitation. So this is my last night in this apartment. If I do even spend the night in the apartment; sleeping the night in the lounge is not unprecedented.

The end of the semester is also marked, here, by the move-out day. With my art history final this morning (marked down Hagia Sofia as Islamic architecture stupid stupid stupid) (but other than that I did fine) I have no more classes- but still plenty of finalage that needs to be done. With that and going to the moon and doing the other thing, not because it is easy but because it is hard, I'm so far completed with only two of my six classes this semester.

It's all over after this week though. After this week I can... lack a clear goal, purpose, and direction in life. Yeah, that sounds good.

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